Clothing they are comfortable and able to move in
Shoes: Bare foot
Identify as a girl: Pink tights and any color leotard. Skirts, leg warmers and dance sweaters are welcome
Identify as a boy: Black tights and white dance shirt
Hair: Bun
Shoes: Ballet slippers
Identify as a girl: Pink tights and leotard (color by level). Skirts, leg warmers and dance sweaters are welcome
Identify as a boy: Black tights and white dance shirt
Hair: Bun
Shoes: Ballet slippers
Leotard colors:
Any color leotard or athletic shirt and leggings or athletic shorts (no jeans, dresses or crop tops)
Hair: Ponytail or bun
Shoes: Jazz shoes
Any color leotard or athletic shirt and leggings or athletic shorts (no jeans, dresses or crop tops)
Hair: Ponytail or bun
Shoes: Barefoot
Identify as a girl: Any color leotard and black tights
Identify as a boy: Black dance pants and any color athletic shirt
Hair: Ponytail or bun
Shoes: Bare foot
Comfortable/athletic clothing such as a shirt with legging or sweats (no dresses, jeans or crop tops)
Hair: Ponytail or bun
Shoes: Tap shoes
Comfortable/athletic clothing such as a shirt with legging or sweats (no dresses, jeans or crop tops)
Hair: Ponytail or bun
Shoes: White soled sneakers that are designated for dance class (no street shoes)
Identify as girl: Any color leotard and black character skirt
Identify as boy: Any color fitted top and black leggings
Shoes: Character shoes
Hair: Ponytail or bun